Books from Kristen Ivy


The "Parenting Your…" Phase Guides Series

An 18-part series of concise and interactive guides that simplifies what parents need to know about each phase of a kids life and gives them the opportunity to discover more about their children—so they can make the most of every phase.

The Phase Project, including these guides, is a synthesis of personal experience, academic research, and gatherings of leaders and educational experts from across the child development spectrum. Created in partnership with Parent Cue, these guides are designed to help you parent your child through every year.

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It’s Just a Phase so don’t miss it

presents a challenge to churches to treat every kid who breathes like they are made in the image of God. When we keep acting like every kid and teenager has the potential to believe, imagine, and love, to care, relate, and trust, to reason, improve, and lead
It can change how the parents next door see your church, how your elders value teenagers, how your executive staff views children and youth ministry, how you organize what you do every week, and how kids see themselves.
But, more importantly, it can change how every kid sees God, and that could change every kid’s future.


It’s Personal

What if knowing the answers to five simple questions could give a kid hope?

In a world where kids are known by a number on a jersey, digits on a car pool tag, and random usernames, we need more adults who will stop and take the time to know them personally.

It's Personal revisits the story of Zacchaeus and explores Jesus' simple model for how to be personal. Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus shows us how to engage kids and teenagers personally to give them a renewed sense of identity, belonging, and purpose.

Something remarkable can happen when you start seeing people the way Jesus sees them.


Zero to One

The phase when nobody sleeps, everybody smells, and one mesmerizing baby convinces you, "I need you now."

If you’re finding sleep hard to come by and you’re surrounded by more messes than you ever imagined possible, you might be in one of the best phases of your child’s life. In this short volume, Kristen Ivy and Reggie Joiner simplify what you need to know as a parent so you can make the most of the present realities, the distinctive opportunities, and the future implications of the next 52 weeks.

After all, you’ve only got about 936 weeks left until your child graduates from high school!


Don’t miss it

helps parents discover that what they understand about their kids now has the potential to change their kids’ future. If parents don’t miss what’s happening during this phase of their kids’ lives, then maybe kids won’t miss some important things they need to know about life. That’s why what parents do this week matters.

It’s just a phase. And none of us wants to miss it.


One and Two

The phase when nobody's on time, everything's a mess, and one eager toddler will insist, "I can do it."

If you can't get out of the door because your toddler won't budge until he puts on his own shoes, you might be in one of the best phases of your child's life. In this short volume, Kristen Ivy and Reggie Joiner simplify what you need to know so you can make the most of the present realities, the distinctive opportunities, and the future implications of the next 104 weeks.

After all, you've only got about 884 weeks left until your child graduates!

Free Resources



Parenting humans at any phase of life can be filled with the unexpected. When kids are young, we are often surprised to find they’ve run out of the house without putting on pants, or that they drew on the car with rocks. But as our kids get older, and the stakes get higher, sometimes the unexpected discoveries we make as parents may elicit fear, anger, and confusion as we try to guide our kid toward a positive future.

Looking for a gift?

Or maybe something for you… Check out The Parent Cue Store for products that connect families at every life stage.

There are thousands of places you can go online to buy things for your home, your kids, your teenager, and yourself. But The Parent Cue Store is different. They don’t have everything you need. But they do have a few things that can help your family with what really matters.